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Sweet Paci-Plushies® Babies
"I just wanted to send you a note really quickly because I am in shock! Your product, the Paci-Plushies, are incredible. You sent me Ella Elephant for review and I was a little nervous because my son would suck on a soother for a few seconds then totally not want anything to do with it.. Well, he loves Ella! He is a high maintenance breastfed baby who freaks out if I leave his sight, but after nursing if I want to get some stuff done while dad holds him he flips out --- NOT anymore!Ella allows my hubs some time to rock and cuddle him while the Paci-Plushies soothes and gets him to clam down and sleep! I have NOTHING negative to say about this product and I am beyond honored and thankful. I just wanted to send you this note because I am in complete shock, and can actually have a shower now without a screaming baby and a stressed out husband! Thank you, thank you! Your products rock I look forward to trying more :)"